
Happily just after 11am today the male swan successfully joined his partner and cygnet and they seemed to have bonded at once. Apparently sometimes the males take against their cygnets, but so far so good, and in any case very soon the cygnet will fly off. It is doing some great practice flights along the lake. The parents did a 'heart', see photo, which is what they do when they recognise each other. It feels as if they have never been apart. The 2 remaining cygnets are still with RSPCA and will be rehoused, but not here. Hopefully the adults will now stay here over winter and next year have better luck with their offspring.


FOPP is aware of the latest Covid information, increasing cases in Liverpool and nationally. We still hope to go ahead with our volunteer days in October/November, with added precautions and working in several groups of 6 on the day, but we await further guidance from the council and we will keep you in touch.


all the best

Katy G

Chair F0PP